Welcome to the Taheri Andani Research Group, Multiscale Manufacturing and Mechanics of Materials (M4) Lab!

M4 Lab’s research thrust revolves around the interface of advanced manufacturing and mechanics of materials. We are particularly interested in understanding the fundamental processing-property-microstructure in advanced materials and integrating control over materials on multiple length scales through materials processing and additive manufacturing, to eventually arrive at optimized, multi-functional engineering components.
News and Events

New Project: Center for Scientific Machine Learning for Material Sciences (AFSOR)

New Project: Reducing Operation Qualification Time and Cost in Additive Manufacturing (America Makes)

New Project: Structural Evaluation through Non-contact Sensor Embedding (SENSE) (DARPA)

Dr. Andani presents at America Makes TRX Meeting
Available Positions
Ph.D. Positions: We currently have Ph.D. positions for motivated students to join our group in Fall 2025.
Undergraduate and Master’s students: We always welcome highly motivated undergraduate and master’s students to join our team.
If you are interested, please send emails to mtaheri@tamu.edu.